1. You are not here…

When you google an image of  the moon, this does not mean you are traveling to the moon.  Likewise with the Universe.  The Universe is a virtual place that you experience through a sophisticated browser type of technology.  So, where are you?  Well, first, where you are is not a “place”.  We make “places” and then you can visit them.  But in this unawake state, it might help to think of another place where you might be while you are “browsing” this place… :Being John Malkovich is a 2002 movie that was supposed to intrdoduce this idea of being inside of another character.  The place that anyone could enter John Malkovich was a secret passage way in an office behind a file cabinet.  Anyone who entered that passageway immediately became John Malkovich.  They could feel, hear, see, etc. everything John Malkovich was, but they couldn’t control him directly.  This the case for you, right now, as well.  Let’s say your character’s name is Susanne Jones… Then you are sitting in a secret passageway labeled “Susanne Jones”, just as in the movie, only you are not aware of it and you do not remember crawling into such a passageway.

Or we could use a more recent movie analogy for you, from 2021 actually… Bliss… In this movie, the characters are transported to another reality using much more accurate technology than a secret passage behind a file cabinet (although every part of the analogy of “files” and “cabinets” and “passageways” are all clues to the truth of your reality)... Salma Hayek and Owen Wilson simply put a nose piece on that sends a drug into their brain that makes them pass out and wake up in another reality… That’s more like the way you arrived to browse the Universe, but still just an analogy…

Instead, however, I would like to use another analogy for you that I think will best help you prepare for what is to come in the Next Quantum Leap… after all, it is the title… Imagine that where you actually are is sittiing around a table with your face tilted forward pressed into a mask like device that has goggles that go over your eyes and a gas tube that covers your nose and mouth… When you look through the goggles, you see the world around you, but the rest of you is aware of the place you are actually in, i.e., the table, the chair you're sitting in, any sounds in the room, etc.  But when the gas is released, that reality fades into unconsciousness and you suddenly are integrated into the full immersion experience of the Universe… sight, sound, taste, touch, smell (perceptions)… even thought and emotion (inceptions*)...

*By the way, don’t bother looking up words I share with you in the dictionary… You won’t find any correlations to what I’m telling you right now anywhere in any book or reference anywhere in the entire Universe besides this book… I promise you that, because you weren’t originally going to be told any of this until you were fully awakened.  In fact, the exact information I’m sharing with you is exactly intended to be hidden from you and even conditioned to be counterintuitive so that you reject it if you ever happened to encounter it or somehow came up with it or hypothesized it yourself. This cloaking technology is called “deception” by the way.

Jumping a bit ahead, but since I said it, I might as well point it out directly… The 7 dimensions of the Universal experience are divided into perception and inception, that is, sight sound taste touch and smell... and thought and emotion, respectively.

So, for the best perspective of understanding the truth of your reality, let’s please picture that you are sitting around a table with all the other people in your life and you all have your faces pressed into these face masks and you are all inhaling a chemical that makes you forget your true reality and accept the Universe, a 7 dimensional interactive motion picture experience designed by metaphysical architects such as, but not limited to myself.... 


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